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Yvonne's English Bookshelf
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我在2015年读过的英语书:English Books I've read in 2015
2. The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
3. Think Like A Freak by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
4. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
5. The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz and Kevin Kenerly
7. Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper
8. Elon Musk: Tesla, Space X and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance
我在2014年读过的英语书:English Books I've read in 2014
1. Onward by CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz
2. The Eelment -by Sir Ken Robinson
3. Georgous, Sexy and Rich by Norma Sit
我在2013年读过的英语书:English Books I've read in 2013
我在2012年读过的英语书:English Books I've read in 2012
我在2011年读过的英语书:English Books I've read in 2011
English books I've read in 2010.
English books I've read in 2009:
English books I've read in 2008:
1. Charlotte's Web by E.B.White
2. Hotel Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones
3. Swordbird-《剑鸟》
4. Chinese Business Etiquette
5. Chinese Gods
6. Happy to be me
English books I've read in 2007:
1. Alexander the Great
2.Harvard Business Review on Doing Business In China
3.Letters from the desk of Ronald Regan
4. Mega Book of Cars
5.Transport Questions & Answers
6.Imagine the girl in the painting
7.Catholic Bible for Little Children
8.Little Toot
9.Peter and the Wolf
10.Endangered Animals
11.Learning from World Class Companies
12.Lonely Planet USA
English books I've read in 2006:

1. Finding Nemo

2. Alias - A Secret Life - Laura Peyton Roberts
3.Wit and Humor from Old Cathay
4.The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S.Lewis
5.Having It All and Making It Work
6.The Magician's Nephew - C.S.Lewis
7.The Horse and His Boy - C.S.Lewis
8.Prince Caspian - C.S.Lewis
9.Shakespeare on Management - Paul Corrigan
10.Sun Tzu For Success - Gerald Michaelson,Steven Michaelson
11.The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C.S.Lewis
12.NTC's Dictionary of Proverbs and Cliches
13.The Silver Chair - C.S.Lewis
14.The Last Battle - C.S.Lewis
15.Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy
16.Success Is Never Ending, Failure Is Never Final -Robert H. Schuller
17.Goals - Brian Tracy
18.Focal Point - Brian Tracy
19.Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Brian Tracy
20.Stamps Tell the Story of John F.Kennedy - Emery Kellen
21.J.K.Rowling - Joanne Mattern
22.Steven Spielberg - Biography
23.Nothing is impossible - Christopher Reeve
24.Mayflower Manners - Etiquette for Consenting Adults
25.What You Feel Can Heal - John Gray
26. Tiger Wood Biography
27.Think Like A Billionaire - Donald Trump
28.The Way to the Top - Donald Trump
29.Warren Buffett
30.Fortune Magazine
31.National Geographic Oct.2006 Issue
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Contact: Yvonne Liang, Cell:+86 135-3300-2724, Email: chinagemini@126.com