Intelligent, knowledgeable, reliable and professional
Guangzhou-based English-Chinese interpreter
- available for trips to all parts of China and the world
Cell phone: +86 13533002724
E-mail: chinagemini@126.com
A highly qualified & experienced interpreter for complex
business negotiations,technical discussions, press conferences, company
and government functions, high-profile international conferences,seminars,workshops,
TV shows & interviews,road shows,opening ceremonies, etc
My name is Liang Xiaofang (Liang is the
family name, in case you wonder). Alternatively, you can call me Yvonne,
which is my English name.
I earned my B. A. degree in Translation & Interpreting
Studies from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, the most prestigious
foreign language institute in southern China, where I received rigorous
training in conference interpreting and translation of various subjects.
I also studied on the Training Program for Advanced
Translators and Interpreters in China Foreign Affairs University, a top-ranking
university noted for turning out diplomats and interpreters for the Foreign
Ministry of China.
My full-time work experience spanned the public and private sectors. I
worked in positions where I had to use my language skills constantly.
Notably, I worked as a full-time ESL teacher for two years in a language
training center, where about half of my colleagues were native speakers
of English. I interacted with them on a daily basis, which enabled me
to be constantly immersed in an English-speaking environment. Meanwhile,
the experience helped me develop my expertise in cross-cultural training
and perfect my English skills.
am now a freelance conference interpreter and translator stationed in
Guangzhou, China. I interpret simultaneously and consecutively from Chinese
into English and vice versa. My wide experience includes interpreting
and translating on a multitude of subjects for international organizations,
high-level officials, government agencies,magazines, newspapers and Fortune
500 companies.
My commitment to quality work and my abiding love
of languages and cultures have enabled me to attract clients from a wide
range of sectors. My clients have the comfort of knowing that every piece
of translation work is given the highest level of personal attention and
that I always go the extra mile to give them the best possible service.
In my capacity as a professional interpreter, I've
served high-level leaders and dignitaries such as King Carl XVI Gustaf
and Queen Silvia of Sweden, Viscount Linley from the British Royal family, Captain of the legendary Swedish ship Gotheborg,
snooker world champion Mr. Ronnie O'Sullivan, Nobel Laureate in Economics
Mr. Kenneth Arrow ,Nobel Laureate in Economics Mr. James Mirrlees, and
renowned British economist Mr.John Hawkins, to new just a few.
Perfect Mandarin and Cantonese dialects of Chinese,
conversant with both simplified & traditional
Chinese characters
Fluent English, skilled in reading, writing and consecutive and simultaneous
interpreting from English to Chinese and
vice versa.
Conference Interpreting & Translation
Certificates approved by the Ministry of Personnel, People's
Republic of China
Certificate of English Translation (Advanced), approved
by NAETI (National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters)
Professional affiliations:
Senior Member of Guangzhou Association of Translators
Member of Guangzhou Science & Technology Translators Association
Letters of Reference & testimonials
from my clients:
Global FranTech Group
Worldwide Company
To whom it may concern,
Ms. Liang, Xiaofang
has worked for Global FranTech in Guangzhou at the
Franchise China Expo as our Conference Interpreter, lead booth manager
interpretation and translation and even though the period of time that
she has worked for us is very short, she has impressed me, as her
employer, during this Expo.
Ms.Liang, Xiaofang also showed initiative, imagination and
responsibility in developing new clients for us in the Expo booth for
our business. She showed very marked negotiation skills getting the
attendees to understand our company's products and services in a short
period of time they visited our Expo booth. She is particularly adept
making us contact both at very high and low levels. She was certainly
most effective for us.
Ms Liang, Xiaofang was also very successful in motivating and organizing
the booth team for me. Her responsibility and personal integrity are
among her most outstanding features. Her English as our Conference
Interpreter we rated the highest of all 9 translators we used for the
China Expos, and shall use her services again upon our return to China.
We wish her every success in her continued career.
Global FranTech Group
Philip J. Nadeau
Chairman / CEO
BriTech Canada
Yvonne Liang July 15, 2006
Gemini Conference Interpreting Services
Guangzhou, China
Dear Yvonne
I’d like
to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance during my recent
trip to China.
It was a pleasure to work with you. Your excellent English skills, prompt
assistance on short notice, pleasing manner, instantaneous translation
and business skills were very much appreciated.
I would be pleased to work with you again or to recommend you to anyone
that is seeking an organized, honest, professional, presentable translator
for business or personal reasons in China.
Thank you for making my time there enjoyable, profitable and stress free.
Yours Truly,
Gerry Lemieux
Dear Yvonne
Can I just say
that I was mightily impressed by your work. You were in the right place,
at the right time and did a very professional job under stressful conditions.
For all that I am most grateful.
Should you ever need a reference then I will be most happy to supply one
and should I been in the Guangzhou region I would be most grateful if
you would help me out again.
Kind regards
Guy Dagger
British Harlequin plc.
Festival House
Chapman Way
Tunbridge Wells
Tel: +44 (0) 1892 514888
Fax: +44 (0) 1892 514222
Hello Yvonne,
I really did not
get a chance to thank you for all your help or say good-bye at the airport.
It was all so rushed. So I thought I would send you an email to let you
know how much I appreciated all your help while I was in China. It is
nice to have a translator that was so thoughtful and helpful! I had a
wonderful time and enjoyed seeing the sights with you. If you ever get
a chance to visit the US and are near Michigan give me a call.
Hope all is well.
Best Regards,
Debbie Deppa
Sr. Research Chemist
Amway Corporation
Fax 616-787-4445
Dear Yvonne
Thank you
so much for all your help in Dafen and I hope you found the 2 days interesting.
I will return to Dafen sometime next year so will be sure to let you know
and maybe you can come with me again for a couple of days as I found your
interpreting skills very helpful and really enjoyed your company.
Good luck with your other ventures and keep busy!
Best regards
The Art Drawer.UK Co.
Gemini Conference Interpreting Services
Website created
by Yvonne Liang
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